The Stainless Steel or the SS Weights are used to calibrate Precision Electronic Weighing Scales or Precision Digital Weighing Scales. The Stainless Steel or the SS Weights are extremely precise, so much so that, even dust particles can alter their weights. Hence Stainless Steel or the SS Weights usually have mirror polish so that dust or dirt cannot accumulate in the crevices of the weights. Just a Single hole is given on the top of the Stainless Steel or the SS Weights for Government Stamping. Other than that, the weights are smooth. Also Stainless Steel or the SS Weights are divided into various categories depending upon how precise they are.
This category specially focuses on Calibration Weights used for Calibration of Weighting Scales in Laboratories and Precision Scales. Apart from this the grade of the Stainless Steel Weights is extremely important. The reason is that Stainless Steel or the SS Weights is usually meant to calibrate EMFC – Electro Magnetic Force Compensation Balances. These Electronic Precision Scales work on the principal of Magnetic compensation and hence, even a small trace of magnetism in the Weights will mean that the Digital EMFC balance will not be calibrated properly. Hence the Stainless Steel or the SS Weights are usually made of non magnetic Stainless Steel or SS Material. The Grade of SS is 304 or 316. Avoid 202 grade of Stainless Steel or the SS Weights.