SSBP10 Table Top Scale has a Stainless Steel Body with an additional Stainless Steel Tray. Moreover, it has Anti-Drifting Feature along with TARE / ZERO Button. Also, it has 100% overload capacity with Bright LED Display. This Scale also has Water Resistant PCB. In addition, this Scale has Sturdy Construction with a Pole Display for the Customer. It also has an Exclusive Year Warranty against Manufacturing Defects. Along with a Huge Capacity of 50 kg with an accuracy of 1 / 2 / 5 gm. Most Importantly is Stamped by the Legal Metrology Department. Secondly, Battery Backup of At least 25hours. Thirdly, Energy Efficient Motherboard. This Scale is Made in India. This Scale is the most Affordable Weighing Scale.
- Advanced Microprocessor Technology
- Quick Response Time
- Tare and Zero Functions
- Auto Tracking Zero
- Battery Back-up up-to 25 hours
- Auto Calibration facility
- Optional printer facility
- Bright LED display
- Sleep Mode for extended Battery Life
- AC Operating Voltage – 230V, 50 Hz, 10%
- DC Operating Voltage -9 V, 1 Amp*
- Battery type – 6V, 6.5mAh
- Heavy Duty Rechargeable Battery for 25 Hours of Backup
- Operating Temperature – 0 to 40 Celsius
- Auto Tracking Zero
- Auto Power Saving Feature
- Common Cathode/Anode Display
- 100% Overload Protection Architecture
- Auto Calibration Facility
- A to D Converter with 40 Pins Programmable IC
- 32-bit Expandable Architecture with Advanced PLU Logic Systems
- Piece Counting Function Available
- Digital Overload Indication with 100% Tare Functionality
- Digital Auto Calibration
- Optional Remote/Wi-Fi Display Available.
- Sleep Mode for Extended Battery Life
- Printer Output is Optional
- Grocery
- Retail Industry
- Sweet Marts
- Chemical Industry
- Packaging Industry